
Consciousness Rising
A roadmap and vision of what our world will look like when we become the Love we were created to be.
Working from the premise that all humans share a common Creator, the author describes ways we have found value in each other - and how that has led us to seek wealth and power. By living our lives this way, we've ignored each other's inherent value.
In exploring how to expand our consciousness, the author answers questions such as:
- How can we live in harmony with our Creator and each other?
- What can we do to align our passions with the way we live?
- Are there benefits to expanding our view of collective consciousness?
- What makes human consciousness so difficult to describe?
The author contends that the one purpose for human existence is to bring Love into the world. As we clear the wounds of our individual and collective past, we cannot help but achieve a rising tide of consciousness.
Paperback: $18.95 Hardback: $37.95
Consciousness Rising ($18.95 + S/H)
Consciousness Rising (37.95 + S/H)

Divine Warrior Training:
Manifesting the Divine in Our World
A framework based on ancient and perennial truths reinterpreted for today's world.
Part 1 of Divine Warrior Training provides a new interpretation of the ancient cosmologies based on our common divine essence. It moves beyond the insignificant differences which have separated us and have led to conflict in the past. The book re-minds us and re-members us to the divine. It provides a framework to live out of our divine essence in all that we do: in our relationship with ourselves; our relationship with others; and our relationship with all that is. Part 2 of the book provides several exercises to expand our view of the world.
Divine Warrior Training ($14.95 + S/H)

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