It is time to empty our vessels

Try to inhale when your lungs are already full. Try to pour more water into a glass already full of water. A universal law is that we cannot fill a space that already has substance in it.

While the passage of time is a concept constructed by humans, time helps us focus on the rhythms of life – the ebb and flow of life, the beating of our heart, the changing of the seasons. We are on the cusp of an enormous change of state in human consciousness. It is time to exhale so we can have the capacity to receive the new air the Consciousness that created the Universe is bringing us in 2020 and beyond.

Time to jettison our ballast. Shed our skin. Heave our discards onto the scrap heap of life. Cut weight. Empty our vessels.

It does not need to be complete by 11:59 pm 12/31/2019, but it is clearly time to get started. 2020 will not be easy for people embedded in the dominator consciousness. From that perspective it will look like the world has gone crazy or is coming to an end. It is! The seen world created by humans to assert power over each other is crumbling and will be swept away by a “new” way of relating: power among sourced from our common Creator. Light, life and Love will take its rightful place in our hearts and heal the infection in our brains created by the dominator consciousness. Here is what we can do now to prepare.

Physical house cleaning

Start with the densest part of your being: the energy in your body and the energy your body lives in. Practice slow deep breathing at least once a day for 10 minutes. Drink lots of water (general rule is ½ your body weight in ounces, so if you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 ounces a day). Cull your closet and dresser drawers. Throw out old papers. Donate or sell unused personal items or furniture. Do a deep clean of your living space. If, while you are doing this your emotional energy body gets upset or sentimental, calm it by saying “The language of Source is abundance. There is no lack. Source supplies my every need. Thank you Source!”

Emotional house cleaning

Taking emotional baggage into 2020 will only weigh you down. Create an energetic bonfire in your mind and throw those logs of resentment into the fire. Radical forgiveness will burn up all the logs no matter how old or large they are. Firmly set your intention to have your consciousness take charge to haul out and burn up any and all emotions lingering from your past. Emotions are only useful in the present moment. Any emotion, whether “good” or “bad” (ones you like or ones you don’t like), becomes stale and useless the longer you hold on to it. When you hold onto emotions you don’t like, they rot over time. When you hold on to emotions you do like, they become saccharine-sweet over time and block our pleasure receptors from fully experiencing present pleasures. Burn them all! I guarantee you that you will have more of both!

Intellectual House cleaning

Time to let go of ALL your ideas and thoughts, both positive and negative! Your negative ideas are holding you back from your potential and were only created by your past experiences. Your positive ideas are not really “yours” anyway – they come from Source – and will be available to you the more and more you connect to the Creative Force of the Universe. Wipe clean your slate and let Source pick up the chalk!

Spiritual house cleaning

The seen world you have created is structured and framed by your beliefs. If you believe in Love, you will see and experience Love. If you believe in flowers, you will see and experience flowers. All possibilities are available to you as a spiritual being and belief is a way of focusing energy to bring into manifestation whatever you invest your energy in. Change your belief and it changes your life. As you observe your behaviors, emotions and thoughts, trace them back to the underlying belief from which they spring. Does that belief really serve you? Is that belief limiting? Toss onto the trash heap any belief that does not open you into an expansion of your potential and an expansion into sacred community.

This post is about emptying our vessels. In two weeks, my post will be about what to fill our vessels with in 2020. Between now and then, I invite you to join me energetically at the Winter Solstice (12/21/2019 at 23:19 EST) by building a fire and physically or energetically burning that which is ready to be released in your life. If you need more direction on how to do that, please feel free to reach out to me. Here is an excerpt from my next post:

I believe that 2020 will be a pivotal year in human consciousness. The old dominator consciousness will fall away and a new dawn of expanded Consciousness will awaken the best in humans to co-create a seen world that works for the highest and best good for all.

I would love to hear what you are ready to release in your life as this decade comes to a close and a new cycle begins. You can either post comments below or email me at

For a free 30-minute consultation with me by phone, video or in-person, click here.

May your path be filled with health, joy, clarity, and Love! Tom

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