Practicing Surrender
Once we catch glimpses of Consciousness and its creation, and practice connecting to each other and all that is, we recognize surrender as the natural evolution of our consciousness. Surrender has become a pejorative term in the dominator consciousness, which paints it as the antithesis of freedom. However, surrendering to the flow and direction of Consciousness is actually the ultimate freedom – freedom to experience life without fear.

Fear creates knots of energy in our energy bodies, creating symptoms at all levels of our existence in the shadow world. Fear can generate long-standing limiting beliefs that stunt our growth and blind us to our potential. Fear can create thoughts and ideas that create patterns of thought that keep us seeking safety and looking for difference that disconnects us. Fear can stimulate emotions and feelings that inform us our needs are not being met. And fear creates physical conditions and disease that ultimately bring us to a poor quality of life, reducing our body to a shell of what it could be. All knots of fear, wherever they collect or manifest in our energy bodies, are untangled with Love. The Love of the universe, flowing from the Consciousness that created it, addresses all blockages, sometimes gently loosening and untangling, sometimes jarringly sweeping it away in a flood of events that leaves the space cleared and clean. Surrendering means removing all blockages to allow the full flow of Consciousness through us to become the heart, head and hands of Consciousness in the seen world.
This is part 5 of this 6-part series on the senses of the heart. I am so grateful for your presence here and would love your feedback and comments on this series and what it brought up for you. You can either post comments below or email me at
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May your path be filled with health, joy, clarity, and Love! Tom