It is time to empty our vessels
Try to inhale when your lungs are already full. Try to pour
more water into a glass already full of water. A universal law is
Practicing Gratitude
Gratitude requires relationship. It is the observer valuing
the observed. Love arises out of oneness, gratitude arises out of duality. To
be grateful for anything one must step outside the experience
Practicing Surrender
Once we catch glimpses of Consciousness and its creation, and practice connecting to each other and all that is, we recognize surrender as the natural evolution of our consciousness.
Practicing Awe
Awe happens when our human form is present with the
magnificence of existence. The easiest path to awe is fully experiencing
something that reminds us of our insignificance in the grandeur
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.-Rumi
Practicing Connection
Practicing connection begins with connecting to the source
of our being.
We are trained in the seen (shadow)
world to use our physical senses to process and analyze perceptual data to make
choices. Our heart contains a much more powerful and accurate choice
Senses of the heart
Most people agree there are five primary physical senses, touch, smell, taste, hearing and seeing, or kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory, auditory and visual, to use more scientific words.
Our Brain
How our brain is currently wired is the greatest challenge
to a spiritual practice. Our brain creates diversions, distractions, and dead
ends through its current wiring for physical and social survival.
Spiritual Window
One of the common challenges to developing a spiritual
practice is what Rumi called “spiritual window shopping.” [check out this video
with Coleman Barks reading his translation of Rumi’s poem] This
The Trance of
Mistaken Identity
I imagine that you are reading this post because there is at
least some part of you that recognizes that your physical existence is not “all
there is” to
Limiting Beliefs
Each of us constructs a view of the world that helps us make
sense of our experiences. Our individual world view then sets boundaries and
colors the way we see the
The word ego can mean different things to different people.
It is one of those words that is often redefined, like “love” or “art” or
“beauty.” For purposes of this installment, I
This installment may initially confuse you: you may be saying, "How is comfort a challenge to spiritual growth? Aren’t we supposed to rest?" Therein lies the
As spiritual beings in human form, perhaps the greatest
challenge for us remembering and growing into our spiritual essence is fear.
Fear could be the underlying common denominator to every challenge we
External Critics
Our external environment is not always supportive to our
spiritual development. I know that does not come as a surprise! What we often forget
is that growth requires challenges, not just